The Ucadia Legal System (ULS) is a complete and comprehensive system of laws and structures that enables networks and societies of people, who subscribe to the philosophies of freedom, equality and addressing pressing issues of humanity, to self organise and regulate, while participate with other similar networks and societies.
Restoring True Meaning and Function of Law
Ucadia Law defines both a singular and authentic Rule that describes, prohibits or permits a certain Act within Ucadia; and the Systems of Rules recognised by each society, community or association within Ucadia for regulating the actions of its members and the enforcement of any remedies or penalties.
Foundation of Ucadia Legal System
The Ucadia Legal System is founded upon:
+ the highest and most sacred covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum; and the related sacred covenants of Pactum De Singularis Christus, Pactum De Singularis Islam and Pactum De Singularis Spiritus; and
+ the eight global charters of Carta Sacrum De Congregationis Africa, Carta Sacrum De Congregationis Americas, Carta Sacrum De Congregationis Arabia, Carta Sacrum De Congregationis Asia, Carta Sacrum De Congregationis Europa, Carta Sacrum De Congregationis Levant, Carta Sacrum De Congregationis Oceania and Carta Sacrum De Congregationis Globus; and
+ the twenty-two volumes of Astrum Iuris Divini Canonum including the Maxims of Divine Law, Natural Law, Cognitive Law, Positive Law, Ecclesiastical Law, Bioethics Law, Sovereign Law, Fiduciary Law, Administrative Law, Economic Law, Monetary Law, Civil Law, Criminal Law, Education Law, Food & Drugs Law, Urban Law, Company Law, Technology Law, Trade & Intellectual Property Law, Security Law, Military Law and International Law; and
+ the thirty-three International Ucadia Codes of Law including the Agriculture Code, Banking & Finance Code, Budget & Accounting Management Code, Building & Construction Code, Civil Code, Data Networks and Media Code, Company Code, Criminal Code, Culture & Entertainment Code, Education Code, Elections Code, Emergency Code, Employment Code, Energy Code, Environment Code, Executive Code, Fitness & Health Code, Food & Drugs Code, Industry Code, Infrastructure Code, Judicial Code, Knowledge & Standards Code, Legislative Code, Military Code, Police Code, Disease Prevention & Sanitation Code, Prison Code, Revenue Code, Service Code, Technology Code, Temporary Assistance Code, Trade & Intellectual Property Code and Transport & Travel Code; and
+ over seven thousand (7,000) forms defined and associated with the thirty-three Codes of Law enabling any sized community to operate efficiently and successfully with the forms divided into twenty-six primary categories.